2022 CAMPING WEEKEND & NRE--September 9-11

Saturday Results

Sunday Results

WHNO, CanoeO, StringO Results

Read Course Setter Notes-Sept7 here

Read Notes for Competitors-Sept7 here

Read UPDATES-Sept 1 here

You can still register in person.

*There is an extra $5.00 fee per course for registering
on the weekend of the event.

This year we will have all the Camping Weekend experiences that you have come to expect, plus a one-day only NRE (National Ranking Event) on Saturday.

Pawtuckaway State Park- Camping Weekend and NRE
September 9-11, 2022 download/print this info sheet

This weekend will have all the Camping Weekend experiences that you have come to expect, plus an NRE (National Ranking Event) on Saturday. Anyone can sign up for the NRE, but no groups are allowed. There will be an UNO recreational event also on Saturday for those who want to go in groups, do a short white, or just don’t want to do the NRE. Courses will be the same. Please see Event Reg (eventreg.orienteeringusa.org) for details, costs and to register for all events including camping and dinner. There is an extra $5.00 fee per course for registering the weekend of the event. If you are unable to attend after you have pre-registered, we will provide a full refund.

The Orienteering
• Map Scale: 1:7500 for SW/W/Y/Tan=Brown Y/Brown X. 1:10000 for Orange/Green/Red/ Blue
• E punching will be used for all regular orienteering courses, including WHNO.
• Pin punching for Canoe-O and Vampire O

Saturday- NRE and Local Event: Alar Ruutopold Course Setter/ Ernst Linder Vetter. SW/W/Y- Lex and Pete Bundschuh
• Orange-Blue courses will have a remote start, about a 1 km walk.
• SW/W/Y- start at pavilion
• All courses finish at pavilion.
• Starts: 10-1:00.
• No start times assigned. Self -Serve but there will be someone at the starts to make sure people on same course don’t start within 2 minutes and to write down an estimated start time (so we know who actually started).
• Maps: For NRE- don’t look at your map until you are ‘on the clock’. Maps will be upside-down in boxes labeled by course. They will be sealed in map cases.
o Exception: W/Y NRE participants may discuss their map/ routes/ plans with a parent/ coach/ etc. ‘off the clock’ (before starting).
• For recreational (non NRE) participant, you may look at maps prior to your start.
• Control Description will be on the maps and available at the starts.
• Clear and check will be at the starts.
• You must report to the finish by 4:00

Sunday- Local Event: Peter Goodwin Course Setter/ Clint Morse Vetter. SW/W/Y- Lex and Pete
• Starts and finishes at the pavilion
• Starts: 9-12:00
• Maps will be in boxes at start. Feel free to look at it prior to starting.
• Map cases will be available at start.
• Control Descriptions on maps only.
• Self-serve start.
o Please write your name on clipboard at start (with estimated start time) and cross your name off when you finish.
• Clear and check will be at the start.
• You must report to the finish by 2:00

The Camping
• Group Camping area Friday and Saturday nights. This is where the event center is located.
• Cost: $10 per adult and $5 per child (6- 17 years) per night
• These sites are in the woods around the Group Camping Pavilion (the event center). You can drive your car near your site to unload and then park in the parking lot. If you have a camper or pop-up, or want to stay somewhere else in the park, please contact Reserve America directly (1-877-647-2757, or through the NH State Parks web site).
• Bathrooms are on site. Showers are a short drive.
• Of course, you can also come for one or both days without camping. The Park will charge their usual day use fee for non-campers.

The Dinner: Michelle and Darrell Scott
• UNO Camping Weekend has a Saturday Night Pot Luck tradition. The meet organizers will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers and dessert- the traditional smores (condiments, plates, cups and plastic ware, too). Everyone is asked to bring the potluck fare to share. Last names letters: A-L: please bring a salad; letters M-Z: please bring an appetizer. Everyone: BYO beverages. See dinner prices when registering on-line.
• 5:00 Pot luck appetizers
• 5:45 Dinner

Canoe-O: Liz and Ed Kotowski
• Saturday (10:00-4:00 starts, off the water by 5:00)
• Sunday (8:00-1:00 starts, off the water by 2:00)
• 60 minutes time limit (score-O format).
• Self-serve. Sign out/ sign in/ record time and score on poster at pavilion.
• Starts and finish at pavilion- with boats at canoe launch nearby.
• Bring your canoe/ kayak, rent one nearby or wait to borrow one.
• Same course all weekend.

Vampire-O: Countess Tracey and Count Steve Olafsen
• Join this now famous family-friendly night-time event. Vampire-O is a blend of flashlight tag, orienteering, and fun!
• 45 minutes score O format
• Bring a watch and headlamp/ flashlight
• 7:30 Gather at pavilion
• 7:45 Mass start

“Wicked Hard Night-O” and “Not-So-Wicked Hard Night-O”: Jim Arsenault
• You should be able to comfortably complete advanced courses (Brown/Red/Blue) in daylight, and must have two independent lights. Due to timing, you can’t do this and Vampire O.
• 8:10 Gather at pavilion
• 8:20 Walk to start for mass start

• Bring a whistle
• No water on courses or at starts. Bring your own if you want some.
• Make sure you clear and check your e-punch (SI Stick) prior to starting.
• Use (punch) the start box to start your course.
• Make sure you download (check in) at the results area/ computer station- even if you do not finish your course
• Make sure you write your name on the paper on the clipboard at Sunday’s start, and cross off after you finish
• Masks are optional
• If you have a cold/ fever/ or are not feeling well, please stay home. We will refund your fees.

Groups: Such as scouts/schools/ etc. please contact Lex at email/ home phone below no later than Tuesday, September 6.

Dogs/ Other Pets: Sorry, not allowed in the park.

Your Hosts
Lex (603-689-4744) & Pete Bundschuh (603-321-7163) (603-465-3142 home), unofam@aol.com

Eva & Alar Ruutopold (603) 831-6313 (Cell- Eva) eva.alar@ruutopold.com

In conjunction with NH Department of Resources and Economic Development (NH DRED) and Pawtuckaway State Park

download/print info sheet

The 2021 Camping Weekend was great!

Download the result pdfs by clicking on the buttons below.